Saturday, July 15, 2006

An Effortless Look

A painting should always look like it were done effortlessly even if it was not. That is much easier said that it is to actually accomplish but it is the mark of a good painting.
This small 8x10" painting was done in Saluda NC.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Type of Collectors

There are three type of people who purchase art. One collects art as an investment. They hope it will not only increase in value but increase their standing among their colleagues. Secondly there are those that buy art to fill that empty space over their sofa. This usually requires that the art match the color of the sofa. Then there are those who purchase a painting because it has a particular meaning to them. It speaks to them and reminds them of something that they are fond of. It creates a good feeling in their home.
Most people who purchase a painting from me fit into this last category. I would like to think so anyway.

Monday, July 10, 2006


When I was young I thought it important to aquire all that I desired and I pretty much did that. Now that I'm older I have an overwhelming need to rid myself of all that material as soon as possible. Things that were once a focus have now become a burden.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Making Statements

I have tired of looking at art that has been made convey social statements or to shock. There is altogether too much of it in the 24 hour a day news to entice me to spend much time looking at one more opinion. For myself, I need to look at something that takes me away from the upset and offer instead sense of permanency the world has existed in for so long without needing change. A mountain is as beautiful as it has always been. It doesn't need to update itself. I think we all need a rest from the shock. That's what I try and do with the paintings. I navigate to paintings without a message to offend, surprise, upset, or alarm. Paintings that give a respite from that is what I need.


Most of the information that one can get when looking at a painting lies at the edge of the form. For instance when painting a tree or group of trees, most of what is within those borders is simply mass. What really describes the tree is the shape around the edges and by that outer shape it can easily be realized what type of tree it is. This is true of any subject.
I watched some very skilled artists at Disney World cut side view silhouettes of tourists using black paper and scissors. They worked because the edge described all that was necessary to convey what was within.